Let's get musical

Music Youth Exchange
Eurajoki, Finland
14.-21. July 2007

This is web-diary for the music camp in Eurajoki 2007. Here you can find general information related to the camp, web-diary written by participants, pictures and some more interesting things.

Now you can leave comments after the posts. Just click at the link comments (if there is no comment its '0 comment', '2 comments' if they are two and so on). If you don´t have blogspot account choose Anonymous before summiting your comment. Look forward to read your comment!

Monday, 16 July 2007

Day 2. Sunday 15th of July

Hello, we're the group from Italy. We'd like to tell you about our day here in Finland.
We started our day with breakfast at 8:30. And after breakfast we had introduction with all of the countries with playing games. The games really lightened the atmosphere and after a while we got to know a lot of people. And later we started to work with everybody in a small and noisy room playing instruments. We tried different kind of workshops for example sports, body percussion and oakinova. In the workshops we were all divided in into five groups. And in the songworkshop we learned a song. After lunch the workshop work continued and we met a lot of nice people. It has been an interesting day with lots to do and now we're waiting to meet up with everybody and baking some pancakes. Some of the things that we were doing today we have never done before so it challanged our minds and also it's a good way to meet people and a good icebreaker in future conversations that we will have with the people from the other countries.
We only had one problem, that was that our bags got lost in our flight (hree of us). It's of course really unconvenient but we hope they will be found soon.
Lots of love from Italy.P.S. Hope the sun will come tomorrow!
- Italian group


clara said...

sorry for my bad English, bat is irresistible to write now!!!
casually I had found this link into the email box of my son Lorenzo and have read with surprise the message!!!
I am very bothered for the lost bags (and air ticket) ..and I think that my son Lorenzo, my friend Manuele and the sweet Clara are very desolates....
but your message in this space is very bright and breezy ..and so I am now!!
so, I will ask:
please, someone can lend a telefone recharger for nokia so my son can phone me?
personal message to Lorenzo:
per il biglietto ho avvertito la compagnia: devi fare la denuncia di smarrimento al più vicino posto di polizia quanto prima (chiedi gentilmente a qualcuno di accompagnarti): la mattina della partenza devi arrivare presto in aeroporto, recarti all'Ufficio biglietteria Air France esibire la denuncia, il tuo documento, pagare 50 € e riceverai il duplicato... quindi..problema risolto...spero che non abbiate troppo freddo..chiedi scusa per me ai tuoi ospiti e ai tuoi amici per avere approfittato di questo spazio per comunicazioni veramente personali..ma stavo un po' in ansia!!
state benissimo e divertitevi..
sorry, but mommy is always mommy!!!
(specially italian mother)

Anonymous said...

uh. I just found the pictures inside the entries.. very nice. :D What were they doing in the right photo? I wonder.. I haven't been to this workshop.. ;)
Jasmin, the German one

Anonymous said...

Kiitokset italiankielisestä viestistä! Saisimmeko käännöksen, kiitos! Toivovat Toiminimi Kirjakorvan asiakkaat